You'll find Salt Church is not just a place where your friends meet; it's a lively and welcoming spiritual community open to everyone. Salt Church is building a new thing where you can thrive spiritually and connect deeply with others, without being told how to live your life. If you're looking for something different, Salt is filled with people just like you seeking a new path to Jesus. Here, you can explore and grow in a safe space, where your voice matters.
1. We believe no one should be getting rich off of anyone’s faith—not a person, not an organization.
That’s why at Salt Church, both of our licensed and ordained pastors work without pay. That’s right—our pastors work for free.
The Apostle Paul put it this way to the church in Corinth: What we want is not your possessions, but you!
That doesn’t mean we don’t believe in generosity, giving, or supporting those in need. And it doesn’t mean that no one in a church should ever be paid. The person in charge of the kids? They’ll always get a paycheck—because we all know they deserve it more than most.
But for us, it’s simple. Too many people don’t trust the church because of money. So, we’ve taken money out of the equation.
2 Corinthians 12:14-18
2. We believe you don’t have to believe what we believe to be part of Salt Church.
You don’t even have to believe in God. You are welcome in our community. You can serve alongside us, ask questions, wrestle with faith, and of course, worship with us.
In fact, many of us believe different things. Our favorite singer isn’t even sure where she stands with Jesus, yet she helps us praise God every Sunday through music and singing. And if Jesus said even the rocks will cry out, why can’t she?
Diversity has always been a core value at Salt—beyond gender, race, and background. It includes a diversity of beliefs, understandings of Scripture, and even personal views on God.
Navigating that isn’t always easy, but we believe it’s worth it. Questioning, changing our minds, and reevaluating our convictions—these are signs of a faith that grows stronger, not weaker. Faith isn’t about blindly accepting what someone from a pulpit tells you. It’s about testing, exploring, and discovering in your own time and in your own way.
Luke 19:40
3. We believe those working in church should be educated.
Both of Salt’s teaching pastors have a Master’s of Divinity, while continuing their education with textbooks, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and staying up to date as best as we can on the latest scholarship.
We pay attention to what people far more educated than us are saying about what Scripture is saying. So that we can teach multiple viewpoints and theories – even if they aren’t the ones we fully align with.
Every pastor and preacher is teaching from a book they didn’t write. It’s like giving a TED Talk every week on a bestseller—except they didn’t author it.
Too many pastors have preached harmful or misleading messages. As the meme says: Omg guys, that’s not what I said.
You may have heard: The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it.
But the Bible wasn’t originally written in English. It has multiple authors, spanning different cultures and historical contexts. To truly understand it, we have to wrestle with it.
At Salt, we believe an educated church is a church with more grace, more love, and more room for the Holy Spirit to work.
James 3:1
4. We believe the Bible literally tells us what kind of religion God cares about.
It’s taking care of orphans and widows. The Bible says: Religion God accepts as pure and faultless is to look after orphans and widows in their distress.
At Salt Church - 25% of our attendees fall into that widow category – they are single moms, divorcee’s or never married – and of course, widowed – all treated similar by our society.
If you count those who’ve lost parents, or have to be estranged from them, we’ve got plenty of orphans too.
We don’t care if you have the “perfect” family. You are not less-than if you are divorced, alone, widowed, or orphaned. Instead, we recognize that means you’ve been overlooked.
We didn’t set out to build a church that attracted single women and widows—we wish we could say that we had. But when they got here, they found something worth sticking around for. And that means something to us.
James 1:27, Isaiah 1:17
5. We stand by the LGBTQ+ community as fully embraced, not only as God’s children, but also his co-heirs right alongside us.
Fully capable of seeking God and serving him exactly how he has called them.
We are aware of certain verses that have been used to exclude people from the church. There are also plenty of verses that could have excluded our pastors from leading in the first place.
But then there’s Peter—one of Jesus’ closest friends. As a Jewish man, Peter followed strict religious laws, including laws about food. He wasn’t allowed to eat things like lobster—until one day he was.
After Jesus left, Peter was praying when he had a vision. A tablecloth came down from heaven, full of foods that had been forbidden for generations. A voice from heaven told him to eat. Peter, appalled, said No, Lord—it’s unclean!
And the voice responded: Don’t call unclean what I have made clean.
If shrimp and lobster were suddenly clean in God’s eyes—simply because he decided they were—why would we believe that people, created in his image, are not also made clean?
Jesus died for that very thing. So yes—everyone is welcome here. Single, families, and everyone in between.
Acts 10:9-16
6. We believe you don’t have to do church like your parents did.
You don’t watch cable news, and the idea of listening to a guy at a pulpit list all the ways you’re doing life wrong has about the same appeal as being added to yet another family group chat.
And being associated with church? Sometimes it feels like a risk—like you could end up on the wrong side of history. Some of the loudest Christian voices aren’t exactly nailing the love your neighbor thing.
We get it. We could tell you, Not all churches…
But we know how that sounds.
Still—maybe the hope hasn’t died that there’s a community out there that’s genuine, authentic, and spiritually curious. A place where you can explore faith without the pressure of getting it all figured out right away.
None of our pastors make a paycheck. We don’t believe in getting rich off of anyone’s faith.
We are fully affirming of all people, in all communities.
You don’t have to believe what we believe to join us. You can take your time. You can ask questions. You can change your mind. We do.
1 Timothy 4:12
7. We believe life is hard. Sometimes it’s downright awful. Terrible. 0 out of 5 stars—do not recommend.
At Salt Church, we won’t tell you that Jesus is going to make it all better. We won’t tell you to pray more, or differently, or that there’s some faith formula that will magically fix everything.
We don’t believe in magic Jesus.
But we do believe in the living Jesus—the one who told us to lay down our lives for our friends. Sometimes, that means showing up in the worst moments of each other’s lives.
It’s okay for life to suck. It’s okay to bring it straight into church on Sunday morning. Cry if you need to. Cuss if you want to. And if you’re the hugging type—you’ll find open arms ready to give you a shoulder to lean on.
Since Salt Church began, we’ve seen devastating cancer diagnoses, broken engagements, the loss of parents, beloved pets, and countless job transitions. And yet—our people are still standing.
Right beside each other.
Galatians 6:2

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This Sunday at Salt Church…
What do we do when Scripture seems to uphold patriarchy, slavery, and superiority? What happens when Paul sounds more like a gatekeeper than a grace-giver? We’re not here for a surface reading. We’re here to wrestle.
This series challenges the assumption that Paul speaks with more authority than Jesus, and invites us to hold the contradictions of Scripture with humility, curiosity, and a fierce love for people over rules. If you’ve ever wondered how to follow Jesus without turning your faith into a list of dos and don’ts, this one’s for you.
Join us as we dive into Titus — and hold space for the grey.